Saturday, September 22, 2012

Best Uses For LED Downlights

LED lights are easily one of the most sophisticated types of lights available. But these lights aren't just used for flashlights and phones. It used to be that this light's only known use was being an indicator light for new phone models.

Incandescent bulbs work by passing an electric current strong enough to make the tungsten conductors glow. That being said, the cost and effort of replacing broken or dysfunctional bulbs is not very practical. In the case of buildings where a big number of lights are used, you can expect the maintenance costs to be huge.

LED lights function in a completely different way. Only one direction is involved in the electronic process of LED lights. When electricity passes through the diode, the atoms are set to a higher energy level that releases the energy to produce light.

LED used to be reserved as an indicator light because it lacked intensity and color for large-scale light application. However, major technological advancements have made it possible for LED lights to function better as a main light source. In fact the Global Arena, the CN tower, the Singapore Flyer an many more famous buildings are lit using LED light fixtures.

It is always a good idea to use LED downlights from a trusted LED lighting supplier because of its energy efficiency and general resiliency. These lights use less wattage to power them and it ranges anywhere from 3.5 watts t0 31 watts. The boggling truth is that LEDs use 80 to 90 percent less energy compared to their incandescent and fluorescent counterparts.

Although buying LED lights is undoubtedly more expensive, they will cost less in the long run. They last for thousands and thousands of hours, with some brands living up to 75,000 hours. Not including saved maintenance costs, the LED lights can pay for themselves on the saved energy consumption alone.

LED lights are not the ultimate fixture for energy efficiency because LED downlights actually surpass them on that feature. In the case of downlights lumen is emitted when certain wattage is passed through the diode. More lights get activated when less energy is used and this is the unique way that downlights function.

But buying any type of LED component is different than buying conventional bulbs. Your main consideration should be the lumen output of the LED light. In addition, downlights are built according to a fitting or a frame.

LEDs also don’t emit a lot of warmth which is an important feature. Compared to halogen lamps or incandescent lights, downlights are still cool even after several hours of use. The lights also work well in cold climates.

LED downlights from are expected to be manufactured for home use in the future. They are efficient and environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional lighting. Expect LED downlights to be integrated in more applications all over the world.

For more LED downlights info, check this out and you will be helped.